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Council Chief Executive welcomes An Bord Pleanála decision on Blake’s Corner CPO

22 September 2022

The Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling, wishes to advise that An Bord Pleanála has confirmed the N67/N85 Inner Relief Road Ennistymon (Blake’s Corner) Compulsory Purchase Order 2020.

Clare County Council published the CPO in June 2020. The associated Oral Hearing was held in June 2021 and the Council has today received notification of An Bord Pleanála’s decision to confirm the CPO without modifications.

Mr Dowling said: “The decision by An Bord Pleanála to confirm the CPO is very positive news for Ennistymon and North Clare in general.

“Traffic congestion in Ennistymon has been of major concern for some time. In addressing this issue the scheme has the potential to deliver significant and lasting benefits for residents, businesses and visitors in the area. I welcome this decision, which will now allow the project to move forward.”

The proposed N67/N85 Inner Relief Road Ennistymon (Blake’s Corner) involves the construction of a new bridge approximately 80m upstream of the existing Michael Conway Bridge. The existing bridge, a protected 7-arch masonry bridge, will be pedestrianised and a plaza will be constructed at the western end. The scheme will include other enhancements to the area, including footpath improvements and enhanced crossing arrangements, landscaping, lighting and services enhancements, and other ancillary elements. The scheme will improve the capacity of the road network and will improve road safety, while conserving and complementing the historic fabric of the town.

The scheme has been developed to address the serious traffic congestion issues through Ennistymon town. A review of previous studies of the junction at Blake’s Corner, a traffic modelling assessment of the improvement options and a design of an improvement scheme have all been carried out to find the most appropriate solution to deal with the longstanding traffic problems in Ennistymon.

Welcoming An Bord Pleanála’s decision, Cllr Tony O’Brien, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, said: “I look forward to progress on this important project, which will enhance and open up North Clare to more visitors, and will make the experience of visiting the area more enjoyable.”

Cllr Shane Talty, Cathaoirleach of the West Clare Municipal District, said: “The decision by An Bord Pleanála is an important milestone on the journey towards alleviating the longstanding traffic issues within Ennistymon. I would hope the scheme for the new relief road can now progress in as timely a manner as possible.”

Senior Engineer with Clare County Council, Seán Lenihan, added: “Following today’s decision by An Bord Pleanála, we will now arrange to complete the detailed design and tender documentation required to procure a contractor for the works at the earliest juncture. We will also commence the engagement process with affected land and property owners in terms of agreeing compensation packages and other associated arrangements required.”

Caption: Pat Dowling, Chief Executive,Clare County Council.

Page last reviewed: 22/09/22

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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